الوصفة السحرية للرشاقة , الجسم السليم والطعام الصحي

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

الماء سر الرشاقة

يعتقد كثير من الناس أن تنظيم الطعام هو الوسيلة الوحيدة لاستعادة الرشاقة و تقليل وزن الجسم الزائد ، كما يعتقد الكثيرون أن الماء عنصر هام في حدوث مشكلة الوزن الزائد ، حتى أن البعض يتهمونه بأنه السبب الأساسي وراء تكون "الكرش" الضخم ، و البطن المترهلة . لكن الماء بريء تماما من هذه الاتهامات ، و العكس صحيح ، ذلك أن الماء عنصر ضروري للشخص الذي يحاول أن يفقد وزنا ، بل و يساعد على استمرار حالة الرشاقة بعد فقد الوزن .

يعمل الماء بطرق عديدة على تحسين معدلات فقد الوزن و الصحة العامة أيضا . و من المدهش أن الماء قد يكون العامل الوحيد الهام الذي يعمل على خفض الوزن و الحفاظ على الوزن المثالي . بل يكاد الماء أن يكون المفتاح السحري لخفض الوزن الدائم . يعمل الماء على خفض الشهية و يساعد على اجراء العمليات الأيضية (من هدم و احتراق) للدهون المختزنة في الجسم . و يحافظ الماء على حالة العضلات الجيدة ، كما يغسل الشوائب من الدم فتخرج مع البول ، و أيضا يمنع حدوث الامساك . و الشخص السمين بالذات يحتاج الى كثير من الماء ، والاشخاص الذين يعانون من اختلال في احتجاز الملح و الماء يساعدهم مزيد من الماء على اعادة التوازن لسوائل الجسم الموزعة في انسجته بطريقة غير سليمة . و أثناء فقد الوزن فان الشخص يحتاج الى كمية كبيرة من الماء قد تصل الى حوالي 3 لتر من الماء يوميا . و يستحسن أن يتم شرب كوبين من الماء خلال ثلاثين دقيقة في الصباح ثم من كوبين الى ثلاثة أكواب من الماء في فترة الظهيرة و قبل تناول الطعام ، و مثل ذلك قبل العشاء . مع مراعاة أن يتم شرب الماء حوالي نصف ساعة قبل الوجبات لكي يساعد على ارتواء الجسم وبالتالي ارتواء جدران المعدة و تشبعها بالماء ، و و بالتالي تقليل الشهية للطعام . و من المعروف ان زيادة استهلاك ملح الطعام يساعد أيضا على احتجاز الملح و من ثم الماء في الجسم . و تلعب هرمونات الأنوثة أيضا دورا في هذا الشأن ، فتمر الفتيات البالغات و السيدات بهذه الحالة في الاسبوع الذي يسبق نزول الدورة الشهرية حيث يحتجز بعض الملح و الماء نتيجة لزيادة في نسبة بعض الهرمونات الأنثوية الدورية مما يؤدي الى زيادة الوزن و الاحساس بانتفاخ وتورم في بعض أجزاء الجسم ، كما قد يزداد التوتر العصبي و الانفعال في هذه الفترة ، و هى حالة مؤقتة تزول بعد بدء الدورة الشهرية .

و يعتقد بعض الناس خطأ أن شرب الماء الساخن على معدة فارغة في الصباح يساعد على تخفيض الوزن ، و يتم تبادل هذه المعلومة كما لو كانت حقيقة واقعة ، و في الواقع أن هذه معلومة خاطئة تماما ذلك أن شرب الماء البارد - و ليس الساخن أو المثلج - هو الذي يساعد على فقد الوزن ، و تعالوا نحسبها معا :
يرفع الجسم درجة حرارة كل ما يتناوله في جوفه من طعام أو شراب الى درجة 37 درجة مئوية وهي درجة حرارة جسم الانسان ، و عندما نشرب كوبا من الماء البارد في درجة 15 درجة مئوية مثلا فان الجسم يرفع درجة حرارة الماء الى درجة حرارة الجسم أي يرفعه 22 درجة مئوية . و كوب الماء يكون غالبا حوالى 200 جراما . هنا نقف لحظة لكي نعرف أن السعر الحراري الصغير هو كمية الحرارة اللازمة لرفع درجة حرارة جرام واحد من الماء درجة واحدة مئوية ، و بالتالي فان الجسم يتكلف كمية من الحرارة تعادل 22 درجة مئوية x 200 جراما = 4400 سعرا صغيرا أي 4.4 سعرا حراريا مما نعرفه في حساباتنا اليومية للسعرات الحرارية في الطعام . أي أن شرب كوب من الماء البارد يجعل الجسم يفقد حوالي 4.4 سعرا حراريا . في الواقع أن هذا لا يحدث عندما نشرب ماء ساخنا حيث أن الجسم لا ينفق أية طاقة حرارية عليه . كما أن مقولة أن الماء الساخن يذيب الدهون غير حقيقية ، ذلك أن الماء الساخن يتم امتصاص سخونته في الدورة الدموية للجسم فلا يمر على أية دهون أو يذيبها بأية طريقة . لذا ، يجب أن يصبح شرب الماء البارد عادة يومية و لا مانع من استمرارها مدى الحياة .

و هكذا نرى أن الماء يساعد على زيادة الطاقة المنصرفة من الجسم و من ثم حرق الدهون . و الماء يقلل من الشهية بطريقة طبيعية و يساعد الجسم على تكسير الدهون المختزنة في الجسم . و لقد أظهرت الدراسات أن الانخفاض في تناول الماء يؤدي الى زيادة تخزين الدهون في الجسم ، في حين أن زيادة استهلاك الماء تقلل فعليا من المخزون الدهني.

و السبب في ذلك أن الكليتين لا تستطيعان العمل بصورة مرضية بدون الماء الكافي . و عندما لا تعمل الكلي الى حدود طاقتها الطبيعية فان ذلك سينعكس على عمل الكبد حيث ستؤول اليه بعض أعباء عمل الكلى . و من المعروف أن واحدة من أهم وظائف الكبد هى تكسير الدهون المختزنة و تحويلها الى طاقة قابلة للاستخدام بواسطة الجسم ، و لكن اذا كان الكبد منشغلا بأداء بعض وظائف الكلى فانه لن يستطيع أن يعمل بكامل طاقته في وظائفه الطبيعية . و نتيجة لهذا فانه سوف يكسر دهونا مختزنة أقل ، وستظل هذه الدهون في الجسم وبذلك سيتوقف وزن الجسم عن النزول .

وفي حالة احتجاز الماء في الجسم فان العلاج الناجع هو شرب المزيد من الماء ، و رغم ما يبدو في هذه المقولة من مفارقة فان التفسير سهل وواضح ، ذلك أن الجسم عندما يعاني من نقص الماء فانه يعتقد أن هناك تهديدا للحياة ، و بالتالي فانه يبدأ في التمسك بكل قطرة ماء ، مع سوء توزيع سوائل الجسم في انسجته المختلفة . و يظهر هذا في أعراض مثل تورم القدمين و الساقين و اليدين . ان شرب الماء بكمية كافية سيحل هذه المعضلة كما أنه سيزيد من ادرار البول و خلال ذلك يتم أيضا التخلص من بعض أملاح الصوديوم الزائدة والتي يؤدي احتجازها في الجسم الى مضاعفة المشكلة .

والماء مهم أيضا لليونة و طبيعية عمل عضلات الجسم ، و من ثم انقباضها و انبساطها بطريقة سلسة و طبيعية ، و أيضا لمنع جفافها . كما أن الماء هام جدا لمنع ترهل الجلد و ظهور التجاعيد به ، و هو شيء قد يحدث مع نزول وزن الجسم ، ذلك أن الماء يشكل جزء كبيرا من أنسجة الجلد .

و للماء وظيفة هامة أخرى أثناء علاج البدانة و لوزن الزائد ، ذلك أنه خلال نزول وزن الجسم فان الجسم ينتج كثيرا من النفايات و الفضلات التي يجب التخلص منها ، اذ أن الدهن الذي تم تكسيره خلال عملية النزول ينتج عنه مواد سامة و نفايات مثل الأجسام الكيتونية و غيرها ، و هنا يكون دور الماء الذي يذهب بهذه الفضلات الى خارج الجسم عن طريق الكلي و ادرار البول .

تلخيصا لما سبق فان الجسم لا يستطيع أن يعمل بطريقة طبيعية بدون ماء كاف ، و هو لن يستطيع تكسير الدهون المختزنة بطريقة فعالة بدون الماء . أيضا الماء المختزن قد يزيد من وزن الجسم الزائد أصلا . و لكي نتخلص من الماء الزائد يجب ان نشرب كمية أكبر من الماء . و يمكن بكل ارتياح الاقرار بأن الماء ضروري جدا لفقد الوزن الزائد .

ولكن .. ما هي الكمية الكافية المطلوبة من الماء ؟ في المتوسط يجب أن يشرب الانسان ثمانية أكواب من الماء كل يوم . لكن الشخص السمين يحتاج الى كوب اضافي من الماء لكل 10 كيلوجرامات من الوزن الزائد . و يجب مراعاة زيادة كمية الماء المستهلك أيضا في حالة القيام بتدريبات رياضية عنيفة أو في حالة الطقس الحار . و لايحتسب شرب القهوة من هذه الكمية على الاطلاق ، كما يجب الا تزيد مشروبات الشاي و الدايت و العصائر عن ثلث الكمية التي يجب استهلاكها ، أذ انها لا تؤدي الى التوازن المائي الذي يقوم به الماء العذب .
أن الجسم يقوم بوظائفه بطريقة جيدة عندما تكون سوائله في حالة طيبة ، فلا يكون هناك احتجاز للماء في الجسم ، كما يحترق المزيد من الدهون حتى يمكن للجسم استخدام الطاقة الكامنة فيه . و هنا يشعر الانسان بالعطش بصورة طبيعية كما أن الجوع سيقل بالتدريج . و لو توقفت عن شرب كمية كافية من الماء ، فان سوائل الجسم ستكون في حالة غير متوازنة مرة أخرى ، و عندها سيتم احتجاز الماء ، و يزيد الوزن مع فقد حقيقي لاحساس العطش الطبيعي . لذا لا تعتمد على احساسك بالعطش بل تناول ثمانية اكواب من الماء يوميا .
و الماء هام جدا لحياتنا ، فهو يكون حوالي 60 % من وزن جسم الانسان ، و يتكون 70 % من وزن المخ من الماء ، فيما يكون الماء 82 % من الدم و 90 % من الرئتين . و هو المكون الرئيسي للسائل الذي يحيط بالخلايا الحية و الداخل فيها . ولا يعادل الماء في أهميته للحياة سوى الأكسجين .

وكما أسلفنا فان الجسم فانه يحتاج الى حوالي 3 لتر من الماء يوميا لاستبدال الماء المفقود منه . و عندما يتعرض الجسم للحرارة فان 2 مليون غدة عرقية تفرز العرق الذي يتكون من 99% من الماء . كما تفقد كمية ضئيلة من الماء بصفة منتظمة خلال اليوم في عملية الزفير ، و أيضا في دموع العين الذي تحتاجها العين للتليين . و تؤدي التمرينات الرياضية و تناول الملح و أيضا السكني في المناطق العالية الى مزيد من استهلاك الماء .
ومن المهم هنا الاشارة الى أن الاحساس بالعطش قم يتم تفسيره بواسطة الجسم خطأ على أنه شعور بالجوع . و أحيانا كثيرة عندما تشعر بالجوع يكون المطلوب هو الشرب فقط ، أي أنك قد تكون عطشانا أو في حالة احتياج للماء ، فيتعرف المخ على المستوى المنخفض من الماء في الجسم و يسجل اشارة الاحتياج ، و هنا قد لا نستطيع ان نفرق بين اشارة الاحتياج الى الطعام أو الى الماء ، اذ أن الجسم يميل غالبا الى تفسير اشارة الاحتياج على انها احتياج للطعام ، فيتناول الشخص الطعام بدلا من أن يشرب الماء ، مما يؤدي الى تفاقم مشكلة الوزن الزائد .

ان تناول الماء بصورة منتظمة و بكمية لا تقل عن ثمانية أكواب يوميا ، و بدون انتظار لاحساس العطش ، قد يكون هو الحل لمشكلة السمنة التي لا تستجيب للأنظمة الغذائية المختلفة . و نختم بملاحظة أن الماء له وظيفة هامة اضافية ولو انها تتم خارج جسم الانسان ، رغم صلتها الوثيقة بالصحة و الرشاقة ، فالماء هو الوسط الذي تمارس فيه واحدة من أهم رياضات الرشاقة ، وهي رياضة السباحة . فالسباحة تؤدي الى معدل صرف طاقة عال اذ أن دقيقة السباحة تكلف الشخص البالغ من الوزن 70 كيوجراما 11.2 سعرا في الدقيقة ، فيما يكلفه المشي 5.2 سعر في الدقيقة ، بينما يكلفه الجلوس 1.3 سعرا في الدقيقة .

د. عماد صبحي

Truths about Diet, Obesity, and $75 Billion

Sensible diet prevents obesity!
Healthy living prevents most diseases!
(Unfortunately, old age is not a disease.)

These truths should be self evident.

Yet recent shock headlines tell us that "medical problems caused by obesity are costing U.S. tax payers $75 billion
per year".

The human body is a biological machine. We all know that overloading a mechanical machine can cause it to break down, yet we allow ourselves to overload our hearts,
joints, and more. Moderate exercise helps "tune up" the machines we live in.

Think about it. Many injuries are a direct consequence of being over weight and under exercised!

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us, "Seven of 10 deaths, or more than 1.7 million each year, are caused by chronic diseases."
that the major risk factors for chronic diseases are "tobacco use, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity"
"Obesity is a major contributor to heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and some types of cancer. Recent estimates
suggest that obesity is associated with 300,000 deaths annually, second only to tobacco related deaths."

"Type 2 diabetes, a major consequence of obesity, has also reached epidemic proportions over the last 10 years." In
fact, "adult onset diabetes" is increasing among teens and pre adolescents.

Apparently the CDC thinks the commercial food industry does a better job on shaping public opinion than do family discussions. Therefore, they are sponsoring public school
initiatives to help children, and their parents, become better educated.

If you have access to the internet, you don't have to wait for the CDC education programs. Do your own news watch and

"Greedy drug companies" have been blamed for our rising health care cost. Perhaps we should look to ourselves for part of the cause.

Want some help on getting started?
Read "Easy Health Diet" by Dr. Donald A. Miller. This includes tips for on-line research, as well as much diet and health information, with sources.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

About the author:
Dr. Miller is author of ""Easy Health Diet"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm""Exercise for
Juniors to Seniors"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/JrSr.htmand numerous free articles on health http://articles.easyhealthdiet.com/
Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

Circulated by Article Emporium


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Is the new “high-protein low-saturated fat” diet the answer to weight loss?
by: John Tiniakos
The heated debate, within diet circles, that began a few years ago and continues today is over the effectiveness of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate, type diet versus its counterpart, the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet.

To the delight of the Atkins diet enthusiasts, recent studies have suggested that a diet high in protein and low in fat has a greater effect on diet induced thermogenesis (calorie burning) than a high carbohydrate low fat diet.

Before we go further we need to familiarize you with a few terms we will be discussing in this article. Your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is the total energy your body burns in a day. TDEE consists of 3 components: diet induced thermogenesis (DIT), basal metabolism, and physical activity.

DIT is the increase in the body’s temperature that is caused by the digestion and absorption of a meal. This rise in temperature results in calorie burning. Yes, we actually burn calories simply by eating and scientists have long believed that DIT may be a factor, in reducing obesity; and that obese people may have defective DITs - although this hasn’t been proven yet. Once scientists identify the link between DIT and obesity on a molecular level, it could essentially pave the way for the development of drugs in the treatment of obesity. That’s still however, in the future.

In a recent study at the University of Arizona, published by the American College of Nutrition, a group of young healthy women were given 2 sets of diets. (1) One diet was high in protein and low in fat and the other was high in carbohydrate and low in fat. Scientists were trying to compare the thermic effect (DIT) of protein versus carbohydrate during the digestion and absorption of meals. Keep in mind, as the body’s temperature increases (by DIT), so does the number of burned calories.

Evidence from this study showed that postprandial (following a meal) thermogenesis increased 100% more with the high-protein low-fat diet versus the high-carb low-fat diet. Although protein had a greater effect on DIT, the study did not evaluate weight loss or the long term effects of this type of diet. The results did suggest that this type of diet may have a positive effect on weight loss.

Scientists concluded that a diet high in protein, moderate in carbohydrate and low in fat contents may promote a higher rate of weight loss compared to the high carbohydrate, low fat diet. On the other hand, they also warn that high protein diets may affect kidney function in those that have kidney conditions, but not in healthy individuals.

Furthermore, they recommend daily protein intake should not exceed 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. The American daily average is 1 gram per 1 kilogram. Further studies are required to assess the long term effects of high protein, low fat dieting.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that DIT or the thermic effect of a meal only represents 3-10% of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). So we must keep things in perspective. Basal or resting metabolism accounts for up to 70% of TDEE and energy expenditure from exercise is responsible for the rest. Logic dictates, therefore that these two take precedence over DIT.

The other big influencing factor in weight loss is the reduction of daily food intake. Let’s look at the input/output equation: x (Input) – y (Output) = z. Daily output and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) are the same thing. If you ate fewer calories (x) than your body burned (y), z would have a negative value. If you consumed more calories than your body expended, z would be positive. A negative balance in the equation results in weight loss, a positive value causes weight gain. It’s that simple.

In the above study, the high protein low fat type diet involves 2 factors of Input: Food composition and food quantity. In this diet, food composition (food selection) consists of a certain combination of macronutrients (high protein, low fat). Food intake (Input) affects the DIT which causes a certain increase (energy expenditure) on the Output part of the equation. And, as food composition varies so does the DIT. Food composition, though, can only have a limited effect on DIT. Remember DIT only represents 3-10% of the TDEE (Output). And food composition (high-protein, low-fat), accounts for a percentage of DIT, which represents even a smaller value. Food quantity, on the other hand, can have a tremendous effect on the equation – as it increases, the balance becomes more positive. If it surpasses TDEE then you gain weight - quite independently of DIT.

As a result, there can be a downside with respect to DIT involving the high-protein low-fat diet or any diet for that matter. With this diet, as protein intake increases so does the DIT. The problem is, however, that the food quantity (Input) also increases. The point here is that there is a limit to the amount of protein you can ingest before your body starts storing it as fat. Because DIT doesn’t account for expending a lot of calories (3-10% of TDEE), and food composition (high-protein, low-fat) accounts for a percentage of DIT, there’s only so much protein you can ingest before you start getting a surplus of calories. And excess dietary protein just as excess carbohydrate or fat is stored as fat in the body’s adipose tissue. The only other factor that can compensate for the excess of protein intake is an increase in exercise participation. Although, that would defeat the purpose for obvious reasons.

Physical activity, however, can have a large effect on the Output part on TDEE (Output). Not only does it account for a much larger energy expenditure than DIT, countless of studies have shown that regular physical activity actually increases basal metabolism, which accounts for up to 70% of TDEE. As a result, regular exercise participation essentially has a compounding effect on the calorie burning process.

As we can see then, the bulk of weight loss and weight gain comes down to the quantity of calories ingested (Input) and calories burned (output). Furthermore, exercise and metabolism are responsible for approximately 90%-97% of TDEE. Energy expenditure from DIT is almost insignificant in comparison. DIT is just not effective enough to produce a negative caloric balance independently of total caloric intake, energy expenditure from exercise and basal metabolism - especially for most overweight individuals. And it would be unrealistic for overweight or obese people to rely exclusively on DIT to lose weight. These people are either overeating, aren’t active enough or have low basal metabolic rates - or a combination of all three factors.

So, it still looks like there’s no easy way out – you actually have to work, if you you’re going to lose weight. The easiest way to achieve that is with the efficient use of all Input and Output components. That also means you must know your priorities. Most of your efforts should be spent in finding an adequate balance between a reduction of total daily caloric intake and a sufficient level of physical activity. And emphasis on DIT should take on a secondary role.

But wait, before you put on your running shoes and begin another diet plan, you might want to hear some very interesting news. There are certain cultures around the world whose diets contain just as much fat and carbohydrate (if not more) as in the American diet. Yet they are slimmer, and have much fewer occurrences of heart disease and cancer than their American counterparts.

Recent studies have shown that people in certain Mediterranean regions and in France manage to stay healthier and are less obese than those in other western countries. Let’s look at the French first.

In a study by Adam Drewnowski of the University of Michigan, scientists examined the eating habits of 1,637 men and 1,576 women in America and compared them to those of 5,000 French adults. They studied their overall diets based on diversity (foods from 5 major food groups), variety (total number of foods consumed daily) and moderation (according to USDA dietary guidelines). (2)

The results were quite surprising. They found that the French ate more foods that were higher in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than their American counterparts. The study also showed that the French diet complied with very few of the USDA dietary recommendations for eating healthy. In addition, the findings showed that 99% of French women’s diets had saturated fat contents in excess of 10% of total daily calories. What’s shocking is that, on average, the French are thinner and have fewer occurrences of heart disease than Americans.

The possible harmful effects of the high fat content in the French diet, however, were offset by diet diversity and variety. Drewnowski pointed out that “the low fat approach is very good but not if it comes at the expense of dietary variety.”

The USDA recommends that diets should consist of a variety of foods. According to the American part of the study, just one in ten men and one in sixteen women consumed food from all five food groups (Meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and grains). The other thing is that the French have more active lifestyles than Americans do. Americans typically drive more, walk less and participate in more sedentary type of leisure activities.

Similarly, a Mediterranean diet study also showed that the diet was high in fat, more diverse and had greater variety than the American diet. According to research, certain Mediterranean people, particularly from the Greek island of Crete, had fewer cases of heart disease and were thinner than Americans.

The difference in this study, however, was a crucial finding that suggested food variety and diversity created a certain dietary ratio. This was a ratio between 2 types of fatty acids present in the Mediterranean diet. These fatty acids are found in plant sources and fall into 2 groups: The omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. You have probably heard of the multiple health benefits of these essential fatty acids many times before. They are called essential fatty acids (EFAs) because the body cannot produce them – they can only be obtained from food sources.

Although omega-6 fatty acids are essential to the diet, the omega-3 group has more significant therapeutic properties. Omega-3s contain powerful antioxidants that are known to fight against heart disease, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, improve mood disorders to name a few.

The other benefit of omega-3s according to research is that they also have an amazing ability to control body fat. Omega-3s control the quantity of adipose (fat) tissue by regulating the amount of fat that goes into fat cells and the amount that is burned up for energy. (3, 4) Omega-3s have also been shown to increase fat oxidation in the body - the process by which fat is broken down and used as fuel for energy. (4) This further promotes a reduction in body weight that consists of fat mass.

According to scientists the key factor in diet composition is that the French diet and more so the Mediterranean diet consist of higher intakes of foods containing omega-3s than the American diet. In other words their diets contain a better (lower) omega-6 to omega-3 ratio than the American diet. And that’s the key. One of the main reasons Americans have lower intakes of omega-3s is because of their high intake of processed food. Food processing is largely responsible for removing a lot of the omega-3 content from food.

On the other hand the French and Mediterranean diets are more abundant in whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. And so their intake of omega-3s is considerably higher. In addition, the people of Crete eat 10 times more fish (rich source of omega-3s) than Americans do. Other important sources of omega-3s in the Mediterranean diet were: fish, purslane (wild plant high in omega-3 content), walnuts, figs and various other unrefined carbohydrates. By the way, the most abundant source of omega-3s is found right here in North America, and that’s flax seed oil.

As we can see, two different cultures manage to stay healthier and slimmer than North Americans while eating foods that contain high fat, carbohydrate and protein contents. The key differences are that their diets contain more unrefined foods; they consist of foods from all food groups and have more variety. As a result they have higher intakes of omega-3s (lower omega-6: omega-3 ratio) than other Western cultures. In addition, both these groups of people are more physically active than Americans.

Now, you can put on those sneakers and walk (or jog) to the supermarket for a new supply of fresh wholesome food.


1. http://www.jacn.org, “Postprandial Thermogenesis Is Increased 100% on a High-Protein, Low-Fat Diet versus a High-Carbohydrate, Low-Fat Diet in Healthy, Young Women, retrieved 10 June 2005 from http://www.jacn.org/cgi/content/full/21/1/55
2. http://www.sciencedaily.com, “Healthy diets need fat, according to new study”, retrieved 22 June 2005 from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/04/980424031929.htm
3. Parrish et al. "Dietary fish oils limit adipose tissue hypertrophy in rats." Metabolism, Mar 1990, 39(3):217-9
4. Parrish et al. "Dietary fish oils modify adipocyte structure and function." J Cell Physiology, Sep 1991, 148(3)
5. Baillie RA, et al. "Coordinate induction of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase and UCP-3 by dietary fish oil: a mechanism for decreased body fat deposition." Prostaglandins Leukot Essential Fatty Acids, May 1999, 60(5-6)

About the author:
John Tiniakos makes weight loss easier through proven weight loss methods using information and analysis from the worlds leading scientists. For more information and to subscribe to his free monthly newsletter that includes valuable, up to date tips on diet, weight loss and health visit http://www.nulife-weightloss.com/natural.htm

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Weight Loss : Keep it Simple
by: Janice Elizabeth Small

An increasing trend over the last few years has been for diet books to make things complex.

I expect it's because each one vies with the other to come out with some brand new theory or other about why we gain weight and why their diet plan is the only one to help us lose it. And the low fat, low calorie stuff has already been covered!

My problem with this new trend is that the diets all involve more counting and while basic maths was never a problem at school I don't want to use it at the dinner table to know what I can eat. And while counting calories is one thing (most of us are probably walking encyclopaedias by now with how many calories our usual choices contain) the new diets are so much more complex.

With the new diets we need to know carbohydrate counts and fat grams, GI index and all sorts. And sometimes it's not enough to have a straight count we have to work out our percentage of carbohydrates, proteins and fat (yes, follow one particular diet and you have to balance these at EVERY meal).

Somehow I think food was not meant to be eaten like this. It was meant to be enjoyed. Most of us know what is healthy and what is not. Most of us know we'd be better with an apple than a cream cake. Most of us know we need a good variety of all types of food to feel great.

The new diets will not last. More complex stuff will come along and it's sad because we could all lose weight with a few SIMPLE changes.

1. Make healthy choices for most of the food you eat
2. Vary your choices
3. Occasionally enjoy a small portion of whatever it is you love even if it's high in fat or sugar or whatever
4. Eat only when you're physically hungry
5. Stop when you're just satisfied, not stuffed
6. Fill half your plate at lunch and dinner with vegetables or salad, quarter carbs and a quarter protein.

If everyone who wanted to lose weight just followed these simple guidelines there would be many more successful dieters around and a lot less hassle in losing weight.

Why not start today?

Copyright 2005 Janice Elizabeth Small

About the author:
Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach and author of "The Diet Exit Plan". Request her F.REE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at http://www.SimplySlimming.comTODAY!

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Real Soy Sauce
by: Dr. Donald A. Miller
When I was growing up, I thought soy sauce was salty water with dark coloring and some secret soy and wheat stuff mixed in. That's because my parents did not know any better
than to buy LaChoy brand.

Some of the cheapy stuff from China is not any better.

Oriental friends introduced me to real home cooked delights that one never finds in a typical Chinese or Japanese restaurant in my country. They even introduced me to
authentic ethnic restaurants.

I gradually learned that there is a tremendous variety in Soy Sauce, whether made with added wheat (Shoyu) or without
(Tamari). Some connoisseurs spend as much time studying the character of soy sauces as others do on wines.

Real soy sauce requires many months of fermentation and aging to make, not a few minutes on an automated factory. Some excellent choices are now available in the USA, whether made here or in the Orient. Some are deliberately un pasteurized, for health benefits.

My suggestion is to seek out good brands, then see if they have reduced salt versions.

While you are at it, take a look at Miso as well, preferably not pasteurized.

Bon appetite.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

About the author:
Dr. Miller is author of ""Easy Health Diet"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm""Exercise for
Juniors to Seniors"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/JrSr.htmand numerous free articles on health http://articles.easyhealthdiet.com/
Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

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How to Lose Weight Easily, Increase Health with a Fast, Tasty Diet
by: Roy Barker
If you are looking for a way to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.

Fad and crash diets, such as the ones described above are not only unhealthy but they also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets, even though diet gurus write them, cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of diets, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.

Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation mode so you plateau where you can't lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.

So how does one lose weight?

There is only one answer to this question.

You need to expend more calories than you are taking in. Restricting certain foods, eating so-called fat burning foods, or dehydrating yourself with special pills or teas does not do it. It is simple math. The only way is to eat a little less and exercise a little more. Here is the equation below:

Eating Less + Exercising More = Weight Loss.

This is not a magical formula, it is just logic. It is also not the fastest way to lose weight. As I have mentioned before, this is not an article about how to lose ten pounds in three days or 80 pounds in a month. It is about safe, healthy, smart weight loss.

In order to lose weight safely and without putting yourself at risk for such health hazards as dehydration, kidney failure, malnutrition, exhaustion, nervous dysfunction, tooth loss, dull hair, wrinkles, cellulite, sudden heart failure or stroke and lose the weight so that it stays off, you should lose no more than approximately one pounds every couple of days.

Although that might not sound like a large amount of weight to lose it actually is! If you lose 3 pounds a week that means you can achieve a weight loss of twelve pounds a month! If you only have twenty pounds to lose then your weight loss is not only quite rapid, but you have the extra guarantee that it will stay off because you have followed a sensible exercise plan that did not involve starving, exhausting or depriving yourself. If you are willing to drop your impatience and desire for immediate gratification and stick to an exercise plan and healthy eating habits, then a Mediterranean Diet is for you. Remember being slim is only good if you are able to enjoy it!

Do You Need to Lose Weight?

Fascination with Fat

If you want to lose weight, you first need to assess whether you need to actually lose weight or are simply a fashion victim. Unfortunately this society is fascinated with fat - who has it and who doesn't. As we are persuaded by so many images in the media that persuade us to believe that you can never be too thin, many of us are bad judges of our actual body weight.

If you are under the age of eighteen and reading this book, the first thing you need to do is consult with your parents about your plans to lose weight. Have them make an appointment with a physician so that he can indicate to you whether or not you are a candidate for weight loss.

If you are an adult, it is possible that you may not be overweight and are just trying to be, as Bridget Jones put it in Bridget Jones Diary "a stick insect with eyelashes." It is also very possible that you know you need to lose weight but have no idea where to start.

If you are obese and you know it, then you have to check with a physician first to see how your health is before you embark on any exercise program or plan. The same is also true if you have any kind of medical condition but especially a thyroid condition or heart condition. Some physicians may not recommend a weight loss program for those who are over 40 as due to genetics and hormonal changes some people naturally just round out or gain weight in a way that simply cannot be changed. If your doctor tells you your spreading hips are due to menopause or genetics, believe him! It is not clever to fool with Mother Nature.

About the author:
Publisher & Author: Roy Barker. More detail and recommended guides can be found at www.diet-weightloss-resource.com/where you'll see easy weight loss assistance is at hand.

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An Introduction to Whey Protein -
by: Marcus Peterson
Made from cow’s milk, whey protein is a pure, all-natural, high-quality product that contains little to no fat, lactose or cholesterol and is a rich source of essential amino acids. In its purest form, whey protein isolate, it provides benefits for men and women of all ages, including infants and toddlers.

Whey protein provides innumerable benefits to athletes and dieters, boosts the immune system, helps bone strength and improves overall wellness. As time goes by, new studies on whey protein continue to verify and amplify its positive benefits. Currently, whey protein is regarded by a growing number of people to be beneficial in cardiovascular health, athletic strength and the proper growth of infants and toddlers.

Of recent note -- due to the wave of popularity of the Atkins diet that has swept across the country -- has been the interest given to high-protein diets. There have been many studies that have concluded that high-protein diets are a good method for weight loss in many people. However, what few people know is that there is a difference in the type of protein used in the diet as regards the overall health of the dieter.

According to Atkins, meat, chicken and fish are the best proteins to ingest. Mixed with a small amount of vegetables and a large amount of vitamins and minerals, the Atkins plan has been adopted by millions.

However, studies have shown that in the long-term this choice of protein can have the opposite effect on people’s health and that a better, healthier choice of protein to use on the Atkins diet or any high protein diet would be whey protein. In addition to its many positive benefits, the use of whey protein has been proven to improve dieters’ health in the short and the long term.

About the author:
Whey Protein Info provides detailed information about whey protein powder, drinks, concentrate, and best whey protein, as well as the benefits of whey protein and other helpful whey protein facts. Whey Protein Info is the sister site of Home Gyms Web.

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Mediterranean Diet-Lose weight quickly, easily & safely
by: Roy Barker
If you are looking for a way to lose fifty pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.

Fad and crash diets, such as the ones described above are not only unhealthy but they also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets, even though diet gurus write them, cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of diets, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.

Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation mode so you plateau so you can't lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.

So how does one lose weight?

There is only one answer to this question.

You need to expend more calories than you are taking in. Restricting certain foods, eating so-called fat burning foods, or dehydrating yourself with special pills or teas does not do it. It is simple math. The only way is to eat a little less and exercise a little more. Here is the equation below:

Eating Less + Exercising More = Weight Loss.

This is not a magical formula, it is just logic. It is also not a fast way to lose weight. As I have mentioned before, this is not an article about how to lose ten pounds in three days or 30 pounds in a month. It is about safe, healthy weight loss.

In order to lose weight safely and without putting yourself at risk for such health hazards as dehydration, kidney failure, malnutrition, exhaustion, nervous dysfunction, tooth loss, dull hair, wrinkles, cellulite, sudden heart failure or stroke and lose the weight so that it stays off, you should lose no more than approximately two pounds a week!

Although that might not sound like a large amount of weight to lose it actually is! If you lose 2 pounds a week that means you can achieve a weight loss of ten pounds a month! If you only have twenty pounds to lose then your weight loss is not only quite rapid, but you have the extra guarantee that it will stay off because you have followed a sensible exercise plan that did not involve starving, exhausting or depriving yourself. If you are willing to drop your impatience and desire for immediate gratification and stick to an exercise plan and healthy eating habits, then a Mediterranean Diet is for you. Remember being slim is only good if you are able to enjoy it!

Do You Need to Lose Weight?

Fascination with Fat

If you want to lose weight, you first need to assess whether you need to actually lose weight or are simply a fashion victim. Unfortunately this society is fascinated with fat - who has it and who doesn't. As we are persuaded by so many images in the media that persuade us to believe that you can never be too thin, many of us are bad judges of our actual body weight.

If you are under the age of eighteen and reading this book, the first thing you need to do is consult with your parent about your plans to lose weight. Have her make an appointment with a physician so that he can indicate to you whether or not you are a candidate for weight loss.

If you are an adult, it is possible that you may not be overweight and are just trying to be, as Bridget Jones put it in Bridget Jones Diary "a stick insect with eyelashes." It is also very possible that you know you need to lose weight but have no idea where to start.

If you are obese and you know it, then you have to check with a physician first to see how your health is before you embark on any exercise program or plan. The same is also true if you have any kind of medical condition but especially a thyroid condition or heart condition. Some physicians may not recommend a weight loss program for those who are over 40 as due to genetics and hormonal changes some people naturally just round out or gain weight in a way that simply cannot be changed. If your doctor tells you your spreading hips are due to menopause or genetics, believe him! It is not clever to fool with Mother Nature.

About the author:
Publisher & author: Roy Barker. Roy has an indepth and long established background with the vitamins, minerals and health industry and has researched and experimented with many diets over a thirty year period. Roy is also the author of Safe and Easy Weightloss, a downloadable e-book based on the famous Mediterranean Diet and often used by those with heart conditions and those who seek an effective and safe way to shed weight and more importantly, keep it off. It can be viewed at http://www.safe-and-easy-weightloss.comMore articles and related site can be viewed at http://www.weightloss-diet-health-vitamins.com

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Strategic Weight Loss
by: Kirsten Hawkins
One of the first things that you'll do when you decide to lose weight is to set a goal weight. For most, that goal will be their 'ideal weight', but for many, that 'ideal weight' may be exactly the wrong weight for them to be aiming for.

Years of dieting or being overweight have the physiological effect of moving the body's concept of the 'ideal weight' from what is truly considered ideal. The 'set point' is the weight at which your body naturally feels most comfortable. If you've been overweight for a very long time, or if you've consistently 'yo-yoed', your body may respond to your initial weight loss by lowering its metabolism because it believes that you are starving to death. This slowing leads to discouraging plateaus that often knock people off their diets entirely, and lead to regaining all or part of the lost weight.

Instead of aiming for an 'ideal weight' that calls for you to lose weight steadily for months or even years, many experts recommend aiming for shorter-term attainable goals. Since the bulk of diet research shows that most dieters lose weight steadily for about 12 weeks, then hit a plateau, that's the number that they suggest you aim for. The strategy that many have found works best for them is one of alternating periods of weight loss and maintenance, each lasting 8-12 weeks.

Choose a realistic amount of weight that you can lose in 8-12 weeks. Figuring that the most reasonable and healthiest weight loss rate is 1-2 pounds per week, 30 pounds in three months is not unreasonable. Diet until you reach that goal, or for 12 weeks, whichever comes first, and then switch to a maintenance diet.

Why switch to a maintenance diet at that point? In part, you're giving yourself a 'breather', a break from more restrictive eating. The other part, though, is that you're re-educating your body and letting it establish a new 'set point'. Once you've maintained your new weight for 8-12 weeks, set another weight loss goal, and move back into weight loss mode. By giving your body a break from 'starvation', you'll have overcome its resistance to losing more weight, and be back to dieting for 'the first two weeks' - the weeks that most people lose weight more rapidly.

You'll also be giving yourself a chance to 'practice' maintaining your new, healthier weight. Researchers have found that more than half of the dieters who take off significant amounts of weight do not maintain that weight loss once they go 'off' their diet. By practicing weight maintenance in stages, you'll be proving to yourself that you CAN do it, and removing a powerful negative psychological block.

This will work with any long-term weight loss diet, no matter the focus. You'll find it much easier to do if you choose a diet that has concrete 'phases', like the South Beach or the Atkins, since the weight loss and maintenance phases are clearly laid out for you to follow. Regardless of the diet you choose, though, by alternating between weight loss phases and maintenance phases, you'll teach yourself and your body how to maintain a healthy weight.

About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a nutrition and health expert from Nashville, TN. Visit http://www.popular-diets.com/for more great nutrition, well-being, and vitamin tips as well as reviews and comments on popular diets.

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A Mediterranean Diet - How to Lose Weight Safely
by: Roy Barker
Copyright 2005 Roy Barker

If you are looking for a way to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.

Fad and crash diets, such as the ones described above are not only unhealthy but they also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets, even though diet gurus write them, cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of diets, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.

Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation mode so you plateau so you can't lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.

So how does one lose weight?

There is only one answer to this question.

You need to expend more calories than you are taking in. Restricting certain foods, eating so-called fat burning foods, or dehydrating yourself with special pills or teas does not do it. It is simple math. The only way is to eat a little less and exercise a little more. Here is the equation below:

Eating Less + Exercising More = Weight Loss.

This is not a magical formula, it is just logic. It is also not a fast way to lose weight. As I have mentioned before, this is not an article about how to lose ten pounds in three days or 30 pounds in a month. It is about safe, healthy weight loss.

In order to lose weight quickly and safely and without putting yourself at risk for such health hazards as dehydration, kidney failure, malnutrition, exhaustion, nervous dysfunction, tooth loss, dull hair, wrinkles, cellulite, sudden heart failure or stroke and lose the weight so that it stays off, you should lose no more than approximately two pounds a week!

Although that might not sound like a large amount of weight to lose it actually is! If you lose 2 pounds a week that means you can achieve a weight loss of ten pounds a month! If you only have twenty pounds to lose then your weight loss is not only quite rapid, but you have the extra guarantee that it will stay off because you have followed a sensible exercise plan that did not involve starving, exhausting or depriving yourself. If you are willing to drop your impatience and desire for immediate gratification and stick to an exercise plan and healthy eating habits, then a Mediterranean Diet is for you. Remember being slim is only good if you are able to enjoy it!

Do You Need to Lose Weight?

Fascination with Fat

If you want to lose weight, you first need to assess whether you need to actually lose weight or are simply a fashion victim. Unfortunately this society is fascinated with fat - who has it and who doesn't. As we are persuaded by so many images in the media that persuade us to believe that you can never be too thin, many of us are bad judges of our actual body weight.

If you are under the age of eighteen and reading this book, the first thing you need to do is consult with your parent about your plans to lose weight. Have her make an appointment with a physician so that he can indicate to you whether or not you are a candidate for weight loss.

If you are an adult, it is possible that you may not be overweight and are just trying to be, as Bridget Jones put it in Bridget Jones Diary "a stick insect with eyelashes." It is also very possible that you know you need to lose weight but have no idea where to start.

If you are obese and you know it, then you have to check with a physician first to see how your health is before you embark on any exercise program or plan. The same is also true if you have any kind of medical condition but especially a thyroid condition or heart condition. Some physicians may not recommend a weight loss program for those who are over 40 as due to genetics and hormonal changes some people naturally just round out or gain weight in a way that simply cannot be changed. If your doctor tells you your spreading hips are due to menopause or genetics, believe him! It is not clever to fool with Mother Nature.

About the author:
Publisher & author: Roy Barker. Roy has an indepth and long established background with the vitamins, minerals and health industry and has researched and experimented with many diets over a thirty year period. More related information detailing the Mediterranean Diet can be found at http://www.safe-and-easy-weightloss.com

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Calorie and Carbohydrate Counters
by: Dr. Donald A. Miller
I recently received an email offer for a hand held computer that contains food fact tables, non volatile memory to hold the user's input data (food types and amounts, height, frame type) and calculates the total calories or carbohydrates that the dieter might want to track or limit.

Rather clever, and it will probably sell well.

However, if the dieter chooses safe food types, he/she can eat huge amounts without ever counting either calories or
carbohydrates, and still lose weight. Of course, limiting consumption to moderate amounts will speed weight loss, and
allow stabilizing at one's ideal weight.

Rather than reduce or bypass parts of the digestive system, the most effective weight loss surgery is to staple ... the mouth.

Here's a useful secret. A small amount of fat can satisfy hunger better and longer than a large amount of low fat protein concentrate. Restrict that fat to low- or un- saturated types, such as available in nuts, eggs, legumes, perhaps an avocado (if you are near the low cost sources), and you won't put your cardiovascular system at risk. Some use of truly lean meats can be healthful, but don't overlook soy bean tempeh and similar high protein plant foods which have no saturated fat. Eat as much as you can hold of vegetables, fruits, and grain foods, prepared without added
sauces, sugars, dressings, oils, butter, margarine, cheeses, and so forth.

Restrict your consumption on any high energy foods, such as alcohols, refined sugars, fats and oils -- especially the
saturated fats. Eat the calories you need for the amount of your physical activity, but not more.

Such diets need not be boring. Fantastic recipes from around the world are now available on the internet. Just learn how
to be selective, and/or to modify the ingredients to safe choices.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

About the author:
Dr. Miller is author of ""Easy Health Diet"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm""Exercise for
Juniors to Seniors"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/JrSr.htmand numerous free articles on health http://articles.easyhealthdiet.com/
Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

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Ultimate Low Carb Food List
by: Jeff Smith

Wouldn't it be great to have a low carb food list to help
you with your low carb diet program?

Whether it's Atkins, Beach diet, or one of the many other
low or no carb diets you are practicing, low carb food
lists become necessary to living day-to-day with your

Here are two low carb food lists that may help you achieve
your weight loss goals and one low carb list that you can use
to limit your carb intake.

Low Carb Food List #1

Chicken (Skinless)
Fresh trout
Fat-free yogurt
Olive Oil

Low Carb Food List #2

Skim Milk
Whole grain breads, low or no sugar

Low Carb Food List - Foods With Higher Carbs

White bread
Breaded meats (chicken fingers, breaded fish)
Soft drinks
Fruit Drinks full of sugar

By watching what you eat, placing more of your foods into
the top two lists, you can move toward your rapid weight
loss goals with ease.

About the author:
Discover the Ultimate Weight Loss Resource Center. You Really
Can Lose MORE Weight FASTER -- and keep it off. Find our
more about Weight Loss programs, products, diets, recipes,
pills and more...Right here:

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Health News as Source for Laughs
by: Dr. Donald A. Miller
Google News can be entertaining (http://news.google.com/).
Late August 2004 headlines show that at least some USA government experts understand the difference between "good" and "bad" sugars. However, they stopped short of telling us to limit refined sugar intake, in updated dietary guidelines for 2005.

Could this reluctance to state the obvious be signs that commercial interests are taken seriously by the Feds? News articles said that 7 of the 13 panel members have financial interests in the food industry.


The full "2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report", released August 27, 2004, is available at http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/report/

Most of the panel's recommendations are consistent with those in my two health books. Restrict salt, meat, dairy, alcoholic beverages, trans fats. Eat whole grains and fruits and vegetables. Eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, such as brisk walks.
And don't get hung up on "low carb".

"Good sugars" are those that occur naturally in healthful foods, such as fruits and vegetables. "Bad sugars" are those which are refined to have no nutrients other than calories.

But representatives of the sugar and soft drinks industries
maintain that overeating and lack of exercise, not a particular food or beverage, are causing America's obesity.

Item: My article, "High Energy Food Illustrations", shows that sugar, fat, alcohol are concentrated energy sources which can support fire. Restrict their intake and you help your calorie balance.

Item: Such sources as the American Medical Association show that sugar enriched foods and beverages correlate with risk of diabetes, as well as risk of obesity.

Item: My diet book noted that some young people being treated with Ritalin[tm] for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) were able to flush their drugs when they removed refined sugars from their diets. (I knew one such youth.) I also noted that average USA consumption of refined sugars and artificial sweeteners is now about 25 times the per capita consumption of the early 1900s. Use of the three major artificial sweeteners is no magic cure, because they can cause the symptoms of several serious diseases.

So, should we take the advice of the sugar-foods and soft drinks industries?

As reporter John Stossel would say, "Give Me a Break".

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

About the author:
Dr. Donald A. Miller is author of "Easy Health Diet" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm,"EasyExercise All Ages" http://easyhealthdiet.com/eeaa.htm,andnumerous free articles on health http://easyhealthdiet.com/articles/.
Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

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Why the HAPPY DIET works
by: Kacy Carr

Understanding why and how the happy diet works.

There is a simple explanation and that being is you get to choose what you want to eat. Most diets today prove to be very stressful for many men and women in their quest to lose weight. This is because they are following instructions from others on what they should and should not be eating. How do these people know? What tickles your fancy?

Discover how the happy diet can work for you, what is the happy diet you ask. It is a diet carefully devised by youself with all the things that you like to eat. You get to choose your own meats fresh fruit and vegetables

Diets definitely work if you adhere to all the rules, break them then no results. Now let us get cracking on a diet that makes sense and guaranteed to put a smile on your face
Just imagine your own diet with all the juicy ingredients and succulent meats that suit your palette

Always consult a doctor if you are thinking about dieting or exercising as we individuals all differ in many ways.

A little research on daily intake of carbohydrate protein and fat is an important factor when devising your own diet. I suggest you browse magazines or approach slimming informational centres to find out about your chosen foods.

Find a list of all the foods that you know you are going to enjoy using in your recipes and that are good for helping you to shed those excess pounds. Then narrow it down to the ones that you want to have on your menu.

This part of the happy diet can prove to be very educational and fun to say the least. People accept diets and all the ingredients. This way you get to delve more intimately into the choices you have made for your own personal plan.

After checking all the important factors as in i.e. consulting the doctor and daily intake of fats etc. we are now ready for the physical side of things. A few ideas to help speed up the process (exercise) try dancing round the kitchen table with the kids they make think you are mad but who cares you are on a mission to find the new you.
Spring clean not once a week maybe twice. This will help hurry things along and into the bargain a cleaner house. Remember this is your plan so do it when it suits you. Results will only come if you stick to what you started out to do.
Walking a great form of exercise, why not consider salsa lessons it all helps. Do not expect results over night

For starters (Excuse the pun) throw out the frying pan.
Less grease on the plate to lose weight
Grilling with out a doubt is a far healthier and tastier option.

Cut down (YES) cut out (NO) you can still nibble on little goodies. Just cut down? Watch where others go wrong, most diets of course will not work if the rules are broken. Now why would you want to break the rules on the happy diet when all that is on the menu was chosen by you?
(It makes sense)
Consulting a dietician is a good idea for information. Joining a book club may also prove to be priceless in your quest. Make your own recipes to suit your own taste buds.

About the author:
Hi Kacy is my name and I hope you find this information on planning your own dietary plan useful. A happy diet means a happy person, therefore a lot of smiling people

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The Low Carb F.A.Q
by: Niall Roche
When most people think of low carb diets they automatically think Atkins. For obvious reasons. Dr. Robert Atkins formulated the original low carb diet in 1972 and was met a with a hail of ridicule and negativity from the medical community at large.

The Atkins Diet, since renamed to the Atkins Nutritional Approach, works on a very simple principle. Carbohydrates are what our body normally use to produce energy. If you restrict the carbohydrate intake of a normal person their metabolism changes. Changes? Yes your body looks to the next available energy source which is....fat. So now instead of burning carbohydrates for energy your body does the same thing with your existing fat deposits.

In a low carbohydrate diet you actually increase your intake of fat and pure protein as opposed to reducing it. In theory the more fat you eat the more fat you burn because your body is now using fat for energy. It's common to see low carb dieters eating enormous steaks smothered in butter with fried eggs and mushrooms on the side. A very high fat meal but also a perfect low carbohydrate meal.

The fat burning process is called lipolysis. As the fat is being broken down for energy a secondary phase called ketosis occurs. Ketones are the fragments of fat being broken down in the process of lipolysis hence the name ketosis.

Ketosis has a single nasty side effect -bad breath. For whatever biological reason the conversion of fat to energy can lead to really, really bad breath. This is a common complaint amongst followers of Atkins and similar low carbohydrate diets.

Amongst some of the bad press that low carb diets receive are worrying stories of people dying while on a low carb diet. These hyped up media tales are tied to one word - ketoacidosis. This particular condition occurs when a person goes on a zero carbohydrate diet and/or suffers from diabetes. During the ketosis phase the blood becomes overly acidic to a critical point. Coma and death can follow quickly if medical attention is not immediately sought.

Does everybody following a low carb diet run the risk of ketoacidosis? Not unless you have a history of diabetes (diagnosed or undiagnosed) and you also totally eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Even then only a small number of people are actually susceptible to the effects of ketoacidosis when compared to the general population.

The results that low carb diets produce are hard to argue with. Rapid weight loss in a short space of time whilst on a high fat, high protein diet. These results fly in the face of conventional medical wisdom and serve to constantly annoy the established medical community.

Low carb dieting is not going to disappear any time soon. Especially not as long as major Hollywood celebrities are successfully using Atkins and showing off their results to the world media.

About the author:
This article was submitted courtesy of the Low Carb Advice website. You can find tons of useful information on low carb diets there.
(C) Copyright 2005 Low Carb Advice

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Protein: Common or Missing Link?
by: Protica Research
Most of us equate the word diet with calorie reduction. This is understandable, since most diet marketing is relentlessly focused on offering consumers low-calorie options.

Unfortunately, this way of thinking is categorically wrong. The simple fact that any nutritionist will verify is that everyone is on a diet. Even those who do not wish, or do not need, to lose weight are on a diet, as are those who are increasing their weight. Dieting has nothing to do with calorie reduction, and everything to do with calories choices. The foods you ‘choose’ to eat determine the type of diet you are on.

Indeed, to the digestive system and the intestines, a candy bar and a stalk of celery are neither seen as junk food nor diet food. They are both seen as simply food. The candy bar leads to a rapid glycemic reaction and the production of fat cells. The celery does not. Still, the body does not label one as junk and the other as diet food. In fact, everything that the body ingests, it tries to use in the best way that it can.

However, outside the neutral intelligent internal body systems, the term diet persists in our often rather misguided external world of advertising, marketing, and diet plans. As such, we can group diets into two categories: deliberate and accidental.

Deliberate diets are designed with specific requirements, such as those engineered to lose weight, to gain weight, and to maintain weight. Deliberate diets are typically what people refer to when they use the catchall term ‘diet’. This is in contrast to the other kind of diet that is called the ‘accidental diet’. Accidental diets have no requirements, and march to a simple chant: eat whatever, whenever, and the body will take care of itself.

However, despite the fact that there are two terms for diets – deliberate and accidental – there is a denominator that unifies them both: protein. All diets, even those that are accidental, require protein.

Protein, and the amino acids that comprise protein, are essential for life itself. Every system within the body depends, directly or indirectly, on protein. In fact, because protein regulates hormones, some cases of depression or anxiety are actually instigated and perpetuated by either a lack of protein, or the body’s inability to fortify its neurological system with this critical macronutrient.

Yet for those on a diet -- and that includes everyone -- the importance of protein is more pragmatic. Many deliberate diets such as the Atkins™ diet and the South Beach Diet™ restrict carbohydrates, while other restrict fats. That leaves protein. Protein is the common link between all nutritionally-sound diets. But is it also the missing link? Or, is protein readily accessible and readily present in the foods we eat?

Oddly, most American meals and snacks are protein deficient. Indeed, complete protein is absent from 6 of the top 10 foods eaten in the US, and absent from all 10 of the most popular snacks (see chart at end of article). This shortage of protein in the American diet refers both to the absolute amount of protein, which is recommended to be a minimum of 50 grams per day, and the kind of protein as well. The healthiest protein is a “complete protein”, which includes all 19 amino acids. However, even people who are ingesting 50 grams of protein may not be eating complete protein. As such, these people are sometimes unwittingly suffering from some form of protein malnourishment, and experience symptoms that include drowsiness, digestive problems, emotional disorders, and other adverse physiological effects.

So to achieve a balanced diet -- regardless of the diet regimen – an appropriate level of complete protein must be present in each meal. This, of course, is easier said than done for most time-starved people. Regrettably, these people are more than time-starved; they are oftentimes macronutrient starved, as well.

Pennsylvania-based Protica Research has developed a protein beverage to meet the protein needs of busy consumers, dieters, diabetics, students and others. Profect® is an advanced beverage that supplies 25 grams of protein in less than 3 fluid ounces. It is packaged in an unbreakable test-tube-shaped vial and can be consumed in 2 or 3 seconds. Akin to a multivitamin, Profect can be taken immediately before a snack or a meal to fortify it with 50% of the US RDI of protein and the complete spectrum of water-soluble vitamins.

Profect can turn an otherwise "empty-calorie" snack into a complete meal. Its macronutrient and micronutrient profile fills the nutritional void found in most meals and snacks. It does this by combining with the carbohydrates and fats generally present in most foods and thereby completing the ‘nutritional trifecta’ required by the body for nourishment.

Of course, this is just the first step. A truly healthy diet must also understand how to properly eat the other members of the macronutrient kingdom, including fats and carbohydrates. Actually, since so many diets revolve around the fluctuation of carbohydrates and fats, it is essential to understand how to properly consume these two sources of body fuel in order to achieve optimal health. Yet which fats and which carbohydrates reign supreme? Which ones add weight, and which ones actually help the body’s metabolism function more effectively? The answers to these questions will be eye opening to most dieters, and they will form the dieting cornerstone for many consumers. You will find the answers in the second part of this two-part article entitled ‘The Macronutrient Balancing Act’. If you do not have a link to the next article, you can find ‘The Macronutrient Balancing Act’ on Protica’s web site at protica.com/publications

Top 10 Most Popular Foods in the US
Source: http://tigerx.com/trivia/foods.htm

1) Fresh Produce & Processed Vegetables
2) Milk & Cream
3) Flour, Bread & Cereal Products
4) Meat, Poultry & Fish
5) Sugar & Other Sweeteners
6) Fruit
7) Potatoes
8) Oils & Fats
9) Eggs
10) Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt

Top 10 Most Popular Snacks in the US
Source: http://tigerx.com/trivia/snacks.htm

1) Chocolate Bars
2) Potato Chips & Pretzels
3) Cookies
4) Non-Chocolate Bars
5) Gum
6) Filled Crackers
7) Nuts
8) Mints
9) Granola Bars
10) Crackers

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at http://www.protica.com

You can also learn about Profect at http://www.profect.com

Copyright - Protica Research - http://www.protica.com

About the author:
About Protica

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at http://www.protica.com

You can also learn about Profect at http://www.profect.com

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Why Your Diet May Not Be Working!
by: Nishanth Reddy

Jennifer, a middle-aged single mother with one six-year-old daughter, has been skipping sweets for a few weeks now. She’s also become a stickler for portion control. She feels as if she’s eating less than ever, and she’s been diligently exercising for an hour at a time at least four days a week. Yet, she hasn’t lost a single pound. The question is, “Why?”

This is a dilemma which affects dieters the world over. They think they are taking the steps necessary to lose weight, but nothing seems to be happening. In essence, they are trapped in a dieting rut and they don’t know how to free themselves. As a result, they become frustrated and depressed and may then engage in binge eating.

One of the problems with diets is that they are often standardized. As a result, they don’t take into consideration your individual physiology and metabolism. They provide a cookie-cutter approach to weight loss—an approach which may not work in your individual case. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to dieticians to formulate a person weight loss strategy for them. This process has been made easier through the Internet, where you can correspond with a dietician any time of the day or night via e-mail. The dietician can also act as your personal coach, helping you through your dieting dilemmas.

Another reason that you may be failing at your diet is because of a lack of support. You may have family members who can eat whatever they want and seemingly not gain a pound. As a result, they may fill your refrigerator with junk food, leading you into temptation. Also, you may feel as if you have no one to turn to in order to discuss your weight problems. In order to solve this problem, many individuals look to psychotherapists to help them with their food-related issues. This can be particularly important if an individual has turned to purging in an effort to combat their weight problems. Bulimia is a serious disease which must be treated in order to ensure the good health of the patient. Thankfully, there are a number of treatment programs throughout the U.S. specifically focusing on bulimia.

Yet another reason for diet failure is hidden calories. You may literally be consuming calories and not even realize it. For instance, the frappucinos that are so popular today are loaded with calories—as many as 600 in a single serving! You may also be indulging in sugary sodas—another source of extra calories. By taking a few simple steps, such as eliminating the exotic coffee drinks from your diet and substituting skim milk for whole milk, you may be able to eliminate the hidden calories that are denying you dieting success.

Lack of consistency can also be a diet-killer. You might go on a diet for a while, then quit before you’ve made any measurable progress. It’s only natural to want to see quick results. The problem is that healthy weight loss involves losing only a couple of pounds a week. That means you’ll have to stay on your diet for months before you see appreciable weight loss. Discouraging? It can be, but if you keep a positive attitude you can achieve your ideal weight.

You may also be more successful in your dieting if you consider it to be a lifestyle change. Therefore, your diet becomes a meal plan for life. This means that you must change the way you look at food. It is designed to be fuel for your body, and nothing more. As a result, you should not turn to food to make you feel better or to provide you with a sense of comfort. A lifestyle change implies commitment; it means that you are prepared to follow the plan for the long haul. If you feel as if you cannot be on your diet for any appreciable length of time, perhaps it’s time to consider a different diet. Your aim ultimately should be not simply to lose weight, but to become healthier. A fad diet will not allow you to reach that milestone. Therefore, you must choose your diet carefully.

Be Careful With Diet Pills
by: Sintilia Miecevole
If you are a person who has struggled with their weight and has a BMI, or body mass index, above a 27, the idea of a pill helping you lose weight is very appealing. Taking diet pills seem to be the quick fix to helping obese persons lose weight. There are advantages to taking diet pills, but you have to weigh these benefits with the potential dangers of taking diet pills.

Some things you have to be careful about when taking diet pills are:

· Dangerous side effects and drug interactions – Some prescription diet drugs are very strong. Possible side effects occur in almost all prescription medications, and some can be very serious in nature. Each diet pill has its own unique set of side effect warnings, but some of the more commonly listed side effects are dry mouth, sleeplessness, irritability, upset stomach and constipation. You also have to look at the possibility of drug interactions between the diet pills and other medications you are taking. If you have any other health issues, the taking of diet pills may cause serious consequences when combined with other medications.

· The potential for becoming dependant of the diet pills – There are many diet pills that can become habit forming. Some prescription diet pills are stimulant-based and can be abused by users. This abuse can lead to dependence, just as with any other strong medication. Make sure to talk with your doctor if he decides to put you on a diet prescription that has been shown to be habit-forming. Find out what signs you should look for to indicate if you are having a problem.

· The potential of the diet pills disrupting regular metabolism – Since prescription diet drugs main purpose is to suppress appetite, the person taking diet pills may find themselves consuming many less calories than normal. This is good for losing weight on the surface, but ultimately will lead to your natural metabolism to slow down. When your natural metabolism slows, so does the rate in which you lose weight. That is why people who take diet drugs find they only lose a finite amount of weight when they take diet pills alone.

In order for diet pills to work for you, the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. Find ways to change your lifestyle on top of the taking of the diet drugs to help you lose weight. Regular exercise, changing food choices, and regular check-ups with your doctor are great ways to increase your weight loss success.

About the author:
After having gained experience in the health industry, Sintilia Miecevole has put together a vast source of information on her site, http://www.frigdiet.comcomplete with everything from recipes, delicious meal plans, desserts and snacks to tools and fitness ideas. Be sure to visit http://www.frigdiet.comfor expert diet advice today.

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The Link Between Diet and Nutrition
by: Jeff Smith
You will be happy to know that the latest low-carb diet
plans such as The South Beach Diet and The Zone are
making more room for both diet and nutrition planning
to lose weight and become more healthy.

The energy we use to drive our various body functions,
including our heart, lungs, internal organs and motor skills,
comes from a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat.

That's why diets that suggest cutting out, or way down on
carbohydrates is of real diet and nutrition concern. Carbs
provide 40-50% of the energy our bodies need to function,
cutting carbohydrates out of our diets completely is not
a healthy option for most people.

That's why plans such as the South Beach Diet and The Zone
take the view that diet and nutrition are important - and
that you can still eat carbohydrates. The focus is much
more on good versus bad carbohydrates and methods to curb
carbohydrate addictions.

For instance, the South Beach Diet takes into account
complex versus simple carbohydrates - the biggest difference
being the rate at which - and amount - of glucose produced
by breaking down complex versus simple carbohydrates.

The link between diet and nutrition is absolutely critical
to your success in losing weight, gaining energy and living
a healthier, disease free lifestyle.

About the author:
Discover Rapid Weight Loss Tips, Diet and Nutrition Techniques and Strategies
Toward Looking Better, Feeling Great and Finally Realizing
Your Weight Loss Goals - Click Here:

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Dairy in Diet
by: Dr. Donald A. Miller
Dairy foods are a great source of calcium and some vitamins and minerals. But seek out the low fat versions for good health. Powdered milk has no fat, yet much calcium. Also, powdered milk has far fewer germs than pasteurized bottled milk.

Diets in Asia and other parts of the world are low in dairy products, yet those countries have large populations, mostly healthy if they have enough to eat.

In fact, many adults of Asian descent lack the enzymes needed to digest dairy foods. Often, milk and cheese, etc., are replaced by soy foods.

If soy milk is used in place of dairy milk, high calcium foods or supplements are needed in diet. Also, most purchased soy milk contains sweeteners, which is not good.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

About the author:
Dr. Miller is author of ""Easy Health Diet"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm""Exercise for
Juniors to Seniors"" http://easyhealthdiet.com/JrSr.htmand numerous free articles on health http://articles.easyhealthdiet.com/
Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

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Diet Pills – Do they work? Are they safe? Which one should I use?
by: Mike West
Diet Pills are the fastest growing segment of the dietary supplement industry. Sales of diet pills and related supplements have been increasing 10 to 20 percent annually to the point where last year they reached $2 billion. Considering the fact that 60% of the U.S. population are overweight or obese, it’s no wonder that several of us are looking for a way to drop extra pounds. Diet pill ads are starting to pop up everywhere, particularly on the internet, but before you go out and buy the latest greatest pill, do some research.

Most over the counter diet pills work by increasing your body’s energy expenditure. One of the most common ingredients (caffeine) raises your metabolism by increasing the breakdown of fatty acids and therefore reducing appetite. This increase in energy and decrease in appetite is a great combination for burning fat.

In late 2003, based on evidence that it caused heart attacks, Ephedrine was banned as an ingredient in diet pills. Diet pills now generally contain a mixture of vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, folic acid) and of course caffeine or any number of herbs. With any supplement, herb, or medication, the best advice is to READ THE LABEL.
(As of April 14, 2005- The year old FDA ban on Ephedra has been lifted. The matter has been sent back to the FDA for reevaluation – Source: Yahoo News)

Diet pill side effects can range from dizziness, nausea, increased urination, to the more sever - chest pain, heart attack, liver and kidney damage, stroke, seizures, and even death. After a few months your body develops a tolerance for the pill’s effects, so diet pills are meant to be taken for a very short period of time. These pills CAN be safe if they are not abused.

With the combination of a healthy diet, and regular exercise a diet pill can give you that little extra nudge to loose a few extra pounds. Don’t expect to loose weight on a diet pill alone. Do your research, ask questions, read the labels and find out what diet pill is right for you.

About the author:

Mike West is a studying dietitian and contributing editor for Diet Pill Reviews. For more information, visit http://www.diet-pill-review.com

Copyright 2005, M. West

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